javascript - DYNAMIC_USE_STATIC_KEY with generated RTC Token (php)
Get the solution ↓↓↓I have a problem: I get DYNAMIC_USE_STATIC_KEY in console trying to establish a connection.
2 Tokens which are generated by an Agora Console and rtcTokenBuilder are different, the second is longer, and using it occurs this error. With console Token is everything ok.
Token examples: Console: 0068bedd2631cf24edea47479b64ad219ceIAAYXDdhxjKQyDWQEoqK0qEiAYo+dLSyd/YNAaflVD4PJO/ZQc0AAAAAEACMMKzfQDg1YAEAAQA/ODVg
rtcTokenBuilder: 0068bedd2631cf24edea47479b64ad219ceIAADpmWghbJIToZQMC9YrQjBhtFgpdZS4tIlOkXTjk+LKe/ZQc0h39v0IgCa0wUAjQY2YAQAAQA5tjRgAwA5tjRgAgA5tjRgBAA5tjRg
rtcTokenBuilder Code snippet:
$appID = "8*************************";
$appCertificate = "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++7";
$channelName = "Test Chamber";
$uid = 0;
$role = RtcTokenBuilder::RoleAttendee;
$expireTimeInSeconds = 300; // 5 min for test purposes
$currentTimestamp = (new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone('UTC')))->getTimestamp();
$privilegeExpiredTs = $currentTimestamp + $expireTimeInSeconds;
$token = RtcTokenBuilder::buildTokenWithUid($appID, $appCertificate, $channelName, $uid, $role, $privilegeExpiredTs);
echo $token;
js file:
client.join(token, room, 0, (uid) => { // 0 -> uid
let localStream = AgoraRTC.createStream({
audio: true,
video: true
localStream.init(() =>
client.on("onTokenPrivilegeWillExpire", function(){
url: tokenGenPath, // path to rtcTokenBuilder php generator
method: "POST",
success: function(data){
newToken = data;
error: function(){
It says here, that I do not provide a Token prior connection: Agora Docs
P.S. I've noticed also, if I generate a Token in Agora console for the start and in case of expiration of this Token a new valid Token is generated from rtcTokenBuilder and connection/conversation continues.
So, the problem was at 2 places. First, I changed AJAX Call
client.on("onTokenPrivilegeWillExpire", function(){
url: tokenGenPath, // path to rtcTokenBuilder php generator
method: "POST",
success: function(data){
newToken = data;
error: function(){
client.on("onTokenPrivilegeWillExpire", function(){
$.post(tokenGenPath, function (token){
The second, I moved first Token generation out of the main function with client initialisation:
$.post(tokenGenPath, function (data){
token = data;
function runApp (room, client, token){
client.join(token, room, 0, (uid) => { // 0 -> uid
let localStream = AgoraRTC.createStream({
audio: true,
video: true
localStream.init(() =>
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