php - DIVI contact module, need a way to pass the input field values in a GET request
Get the solution ↓↓↓I have a bunch of input fields in my divi contact form module. It enables you to use the field values in an email like so
Hello %%name_field%%, thank you for asking %%question_field%%.
Now I need the ability to upload an image as an attachment, I was going to simply use custom php and html in a module, but I can't find how to make a custom module using xneelo as the hosting server, there is no includes/modules/ folder, only includes/module-extensions/ which isn't the same.
So I was wondering if it was possible to use the link field to make a get request using the input field values, eg link being /contact_processing.html?%%question_field%%+%%name_field%%. Then I could simply have a seperate page to upload the images
Any help appreciated.
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