php - How to count your user userID to count/select a row in a table?
Get the solution ↓↓↓I'm making a function that i have to check if a userid is in this table already: if not he has to get into another page yet. But for some reason I get "NULL" back instead of the number of the userID.
my class:
public function countHobbies($userID){
$conn = Db::getConnection();
$statement = $conn->prepare("select * from hobby where userID = '".$userID."'");
$userID = $this->getUserID();
$aantal = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); //
catch(throwable $e){
$error = "Something went wrong";
and this is on my html page:
$userArray = $_SESSION['user_id'];
$userID = implode(" ", $userArray);
$hobby = new Hobby();
$count = $hobby->countHobbies($userID);
if($count == false){
echo "no";
//header('Location: hobby.php');
echo "yes";
There are at least two things you need to fix:
Always use parameter binding on the SQL statement. It may not be a security problem in this particular instance, but do get into the habit of using prepared statements. Because otherwise you'll find yourself in situations where you should've but didn't.
variable must be assigned before it is used.
In the end, it could look like this:
$userID = $this->getUserID();
$statement = $conn->prepare("select * from hobby where userID = ?");
$statement->bind_param("s", $userID);
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