php - How to Fetch Dynamic Multidimensional Array Elements and Display It Like a Path Name?
Get the solution ↓↓↓I have dynamic multidimensional array that contain directory, sub-directory and file names in a project folder, key indicating a sub-directory name and value indicating file names, if a key equal to number indicating only file and then if a key hasn't any value indicating there is no file at all in a directory. The array look like this :
[0] => index.php
[src] => Array
[src2] => Array
[src3] => Array
[0] => test_src3.php
[0] => Array
[0] => test_src2.php
[0] => test_src.php
[src_test] => Array
[New Folder] => Array
[src_test2] => Array
[New Folder] => Array
[src_test3] => Array
[1] => test.php
The number of dimensions might be change based on sub directories that found in a folder path inputted by user (this program is used by a person in their local).
How could i fetch those array elements so that the result would be like this :
[0] => src/src2/src3/
[1] => src_test/New Folder/
[2] => src_test/src_test2/New Folder/
[3] => src_test/src_test2/src_test3/
By the way i have a function to achieve this :
// Get specific element where the first index is 1 instead of 0
function getAtPos($tmpArray,$pos) {
$keys = array_keys($tmpArray);
return array($keys[$pos-1] => $tmpArray[$keys[$pos-1]]);
// Get all Keys that has String type only
function getKeyStr(array $mixed, $numbIdx){
$results = [];
$tmp = array_keys($mixed);
$ii = 0;
for ($i=1; $i <= $numbIdx; $i++) {
$keyArr = getAtPos($tmp, $i);
if (is_string($keyArr[$ii])) {
$results[] = $keyArr[$ii];
return $results;
function getKeyPaths(array $tree, $glue = '/', $return_array = true){
$paths = "";
$result = [];
foreach ($tree as $key => &$mixed) {
if (is_array($mixed) && !is_int($key)) {
$path = $key . $glue;
$retArrFalse = false;
$jlhMixed = count($mixed);
$getKeyStr = getKeyStr($mixed, $jlhMixed);
$jlhKeyStr = count($getKeyStr);
if ($jlhKeyStr < 2) {
$repeat = getKeyPaths($mixed, $glue, $retArrFalse);
$paths .= $path . $repeat;
if ($return_array) {
$paths .= "|";
}elseif($jlhKeyStr > 1) {
for ($i=0; $i < $jlhKeyStr; $i++) {
$idxAsso = $getKeyStr[$i];
$jlhKeySub = count($mixed[$idxAsso]);
$path2 = $idxAsso . $glue;
if ($jlhKeySub > 0) {
$paths .= $path . $path2 . getKeyPaths($mixed[$idxAsso], $glue, $retArrFalse);
if ($return_array) {
$paths .= "|";
$paths .= $path . $path2;
if ($return_array) {
$paths .= "|";
} // END of if else
} // END of for loop
} // END of elseif
} // END of foreach
if ($return_array) {
return explode("|", trim($paths, "|"));
return $paths;
the above function does not result like what i expected:
[0] => src/src2/src3/
[1] => src_test/New Folder/
[2] => src_test/src_test2/New Folder/src_test3/
How do i achieve this ? Any help would be appreciated !
I have modified my function trying to solve this:
// To get spesific element on dynamic associative array
function getAtPos($tmpArray,$pos) { // $pos is an index order starting with 1 instead of 0
$keys = array_keys($tmpArray);
return array($keys[$pos-1] => $tmpArray[$keys[$pos-1]]);
// Get key string type (associative) only in the given array
function getKeyStr(array $mixed, $numbIdx){
$results = [];
$tmp = array_keys($mixed); // change key to element (as array number).
$ii = 0;
for ($i=1; $i <= $numbIdx; $i++) {
$keyArr = getAtPos($tmp, $i);
if (is_string($keyArr[$ii])) {
$results[] = $keyArr[$ii];
return $results; // Return all second dimension sub-keys of the given array (parent)
function getKeyPaths2(array $tree, $glue = '/', $return_array = true, $goToIfElse = false, $saveSameParent = []){
$paths = "";
$result = [];
$iFor = 0;
foreach ($tree as $key => &$mixed) {
if (is_array($mixed) && !is_int($key)) {
$path = $key . $glue;
$retArrFalse = false;
$jlhMixed = count($mixed);
$getKeyStr = getKeyStr($mixed, $jlhMixed); // Contain sub-keys of the second dimension of the parent
$jlhKeyStr = count($getKeyStr); // Count number of sub-keys of second dimension of parent
if ($goToIfElse !== false) {
$jlhKeyStr = $goToIfElse;
$mixed = $tree;
$jlhMixed = count($mixed);
$getKeyStr = getKeyStr($mixed, $jlhMixed); // Contain sub-keys of the second dimension of the
$jlhKeyStr = count($getKeyStr); // Count number of sub-keys of second dimension of parent
if ($jlhKeyStr < 2) {
$repeat = getKeyPaths2($mixed, $glue, $retArrFalse);
$paths .= $path . $repeat;
if (!$return_array && $jlhKeyStr < 1) {
$paths .= "|";
}elseif($jlhKeyStr > 1) {
for ($i=$iFor; $i < $jlhKeyStr; $i++) {
$idxAsso = $getKeyStr[$i];
$jlhKeySub = count($mixed[$idxAsso]);
$path2 = $idxAsso . $glue;
if ($jlhKeySub > 0) {
$paths .= $path . $path2;
$pecah = explode("|", $paths);
$saveSameParent[0] = end($pecah);
if ($return_array) {
$paths .= "|";
$paths .= $path . $path2 . getKeyPaths2($mixed[$idxAsso], $glue, $retArrFalse, $jlhKeyStr, $saveSameParent);
if ($return_array) {
$paths .= "|";
if ($goToIfElse !== false) {
$paths .= $path;
$paths .= "|";
$paths .= $saveSameParent[0] . $path2;
$paths .= "|";
$paths .= $path . $path2;
if ($return_array || $goToIfElse !== false) {
$paths .= "|";
} // END of if else
} // END of for loop
} // END of elseif
} // END of foreach
if ($return_array) {
return explode("|", trim($paths, "|"));
return $paths;
But this only works with my example array that i showed above.
If the given array like this, this would not work:
$tree = [];
$tree[0] = "index.php";
$tree["src"]["src2"]["src3"][0] = "test_src3.php";
$tree["src"]["src2"][0][0] = "test_src2.php";
$tree["src"][0] = "test_src.php";
$tree["src_test"]["New Folder"] = array();
$tree["src_test"]["src_test2"]["New Folder"] = array();
$tree["src_test"]["src_test2"]["src_test3.1"] = array();
$tree["src_test"]["src_test2"]["src_test3.2"] = array();
$tree["src_test"]["src_test2"]["src_test3.1"]["src_test3.1.1"] = array();
$tree["src_test"]["src_test2"]["src_test3.2"]["src_test3.2.1"]["src_test3.2.2"]["src_test3.2.3"] = array("test_src4.php", "test_src5.php");
The result would be :
[0] => src/src2/src3/
[1] => src_test/New Folder/
[2] => src_test/src_test2/
[3] => src_test/src_test2/New Folder/src_test3.1/New Folder/src_test3.1/src_test3.1.1/src_test3.1.1/
[4] => New Folder/src_test3.2/New Folder/src_test3.2/src_test3.2.1/src_test3.2.1/src_test3.2.2/src_test3.2.3/
[5] => src_test3.1/src_test3.2/src_test3.1/src_test3.2/src_test3.2.1/src_test3.2.1/src_test3.2.2/src_test3.2.3/
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