php - Laravel-Lighthouse scopes are not updated
Get the solution ↓↓↓I have a query on Lighthouse which is using@paginate
scope with another 3 scopes
This is my query
profiles(where: _ @whereConditions(columns: ["email"])): [User!]! @paginate(scopes: ["byOrganizationLoggedIn","byMatchingRole", "byAvailableMatching"]) @middleware(checks: ["auth:api"])
And those are my scopes from User entity.
* @param [type] $query
public function scopeByOrganizationLoggedIn($query)
if ($organization = request()->user()->organization_id) {
$query->where('organization_id', $organization);
* @param [type] $query
public function scopeByMatchingRole(Builder $query)
if (request()->user()) {
$query->whereHas('roles', function ($q) {
$q->whereIn('name', ['Mentor', 'Mentee']);
* @param [type] $query
public function scopeByAvailableMatching(Builder $query)
if (request()->user()) {
$query->whereDoesntHave('matchedProfiles', function (Builder $q) {
$q->where('user_id', request()->user()->id);
The problem is that my last scopebyAvailableMatching
is not called and if I remove one of the other scopesbyOrganizationLoggedIn
it's still going into the entity methods.
I've tried to reset the lighthouse cache using
php artisan lighthouse:clear-cache
But the query and the scopes are not updated and they are returning the same data.
I'm new to Laravel and Lighthouse and if you have any suggestions to filter the query by all the scopes let me know.
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