php - post isset($_POST['next'] is not set after submit /refresh page. Need to be press twice for it to be set how to fix?
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function refreshPage()
foreach($values as $value)
<input type = "checkbox" name = "food[]" value = "<?php echo($value['dinner']);?>"
<?php if(isset($_POST['food'])) echo "checked='checked'"; ?> > // note this is still part of
<button name = "pass" onClick = "refreshPage()">refresh</button>
// do a lot more stuff but I have this for temp info
// I am printing all the check box values in here I do not
// have the code for it yet but I think ik how to do it
// but since i do not have code for it now it is just empty
hi so everytime I click on the button refresh. the isset($_POST['pass']) does not work. I have to click on it a second for it to be set which would then print the hello and table of check items part.
I want it so that if you click on it once it will print the hello. Not twice. How do i fix my code? FYI I know you could do isset($_POST['food']) for it to work. But that will break other parts of my code.
I need the button to set the isset($_POST['pass']) to be True (after one click) after I press the refresh button one time.
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