Retrieving Data From XML in PHP
Get the solution ↓↓↓I am having trouble accessing some of the nested data in the XML file. I can get data such as 'ItemID' by using Item->ItemID but I cannot get the data inside 'ItemSpecifics'.
For example, how would I access Colour or Mileage in ItemSpecifics?
I have tried Item->ItemSpecifics->Mileage and Item->ItemSpecifics[1]->Colour with no luck.
This is what the XML looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PrimaryCategoryName>Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles:Cars:Mercedes-Benz</PrimaryCategoryName>
<ConvertedCurrentPrice currencyID="GBP">4495.0</ConvertedCurrentPrice>
<Title>MERCEDES CL CL55 Auto CL55 AMG Black Semi-Auto Petrol, 2003 </Title>
<Name>Previous owners</Name>
<Name>Engine Size</Name>
<Name>Body Type</Name>
<Name>Reg. Date</Name>
<Name>MOT Expiry</Name>
<Name>Reg. Mark</Name>
<Value>**52 *** <a target="_JumpPage" href="**52 ***">Get the Vehicle Status Report </A><img src="" width="20" height="20" alt="VSR" align="middle" border="0" ></Value>
You don't call it by itsValue
(Mileage & Colour). You call it by itsKey
should return{-code-4}
should return4
As the colour is in a list of name/value elements, you would be better off using XPath to search for the correct pair. As the XML has a default namespace(thexmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"
bit), you also have to register that to be able to use a prefix in your XPath.
This uses//d:NameValueList[d:Name="Colour"]
, but it is looking for a element with the valueColour
in the<NameValueList>
always returns a list of matches, so use[0]
to get the first one. This also gives you the<NameValueList>
item, so use$colour[0]->Value
$xml = simplexml_load_file($fileName);
$xml->registerXPathNamespace("d", "urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents");
$colour = $xml->xpath('//d:ItemSpecifics/d:NameValueList[d:Name="Colour"]');
echo $colour[0]->Value;
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