Sending Image via Telegram-Bot API with PHP
Get the solution ↓↓↓I have this function
function suspendido($chat_id,$foo)
$TOKEN = "blablalbal";
$url. = "";
$query = http_build_query(array(
'chat_id'=> $chat_id,
'photo'=> $url,
'text'=> $foo,
'parse_mode'=> "HTML", // Optional: Markdown | HTML
$response = file_get_contents("$TELEGRAM/sendMessage?$query");
return $response;
I try to sending an Image without using curl, tried to use file_get_contents but nothing works. Is something missing?.
You usedsendMessage
method, And this method isn't acceptphoto
shouldn't be concatenated with another link.
To send photo usesendPhoto
method like this:
function suspendido($chat_id, $url, $foo)
$TOKEN = "<bot_token>";
$url = "";
$query = http_build_query(array(
'chat_id'=> $chat_id,
'photo'=> $url,
'text'=> $foo,
'parse_mode'=> 'HTML' // Optional: Markdown | HTML
# Use sendPhoto here, Not sendMessage
$response = file_get_contents("$TELEGRAM/sendPhoto?$query");
return $response;
Apparently, there is some problem with telegram servers.
If you put some image attributes into url it works.
function suspendido($chat_id,$foo)
$TOKEN = "blablalbla";
$url = ",36.15&width=1024&height=576";
$query = http_build_query(array(
'chat_id'=> $chat_id,
'photo'=> $url,
'text'=> $foo,
'parse_mode'=> "HTML", // Optional: Markdown | HTML
$response = file_get_contents("$TELEGRAM/sendMessage?$query");
return $response;
I know its just silly but it works that way if you send the image url without this then you will receive a 400 error.
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