php - How to make ajax GET request using the filename ← (PHP, MySQL)

one text

I am working on a code where I am trying get the data from a mysql table using a filename through ajax GET request. The table "SAMPLE" contains img_name and x_value. I tried the following code:


 var full = document.getElementById("img01").src;
 var file = full.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '');

   url: 'getfile.php',

   success: function(data){



  $db = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'project_focus');

  $updatename = "SELECT x_value FROM sample WHERE image_name='$imagefile'";

In the above code, I tried to get the x_value from the table by using the filename in the variable "file" in index.php. But when I tried to print in the console it produces an error 'Uncaught ReferenceError: xvalue is not defined'. The expected result I would like to get x_value from the table using the filename that is in the variable "var file" .

I think I made some mistake with the Get request. Can someone help me to solve this problem
