php - Why my route is not working perfectly in Laravel 8?
Get the solution ↓↓↓I am using Laravel 8 withfortify
auth without Jetstream.
Route::get('/facade_version', function () {
Above is my route
<a href="{{ route('postcard.facade') }}" type="a" class="btn btn-success">facade postcard</a>
Output in Screen
Route [postcard.facade] not defined. (View: E:\github\LARAVEL\laravel8-fortify\resources\views\facade\index.blade.php)
I tried with second way usinghttp://
in url
Output in Screen
404 | Not Found
Everything is ok But I could not figure it out whats the problem.
I have done this kind of route before with same way.
But this is not working
Look at the below route. it works perfectly.
Route::get('/post-cards', function () {
$postcardService = new PostcardSendingService('USA', 4, 6);
$postcardService->hello('Hello from Coder Tape USA!!', '[email protected]');
- I just edit the link to
instead of/post-cards
' then again the route is not found
Today I ran these commands in my projects
php artisan config:clear
php artisan view:clear
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan route:cache
composer dump-autoload
Solved it using this command
php artisan route:clear
And run the project again
I have tried those steps from laravel documentation and solved my issue
composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
and then
php artisan config:cache
and again
php artisan route:cache
this was the most important may as we were missing route information
php artisan view:cache
Great laravel documentation is here
Thank you.
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